Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
Poem a Week
by Gary Michael Dault
Winter as Gesture
a winter dog
slides in the street
a siren goes by louder
an envelope
on the table
sits bolt upright
secreting the moon
under its flap
to be ripped open
by an icicle
winter is only
a gesture
with fingers of snow
if spring
slides into place
it will drag with it
a bucket of sunlight
just one
to be shared out
over the whole season
if summer follows
it will be brown
as coffee
by Kai Chan
"We Turn +Turn - Looking at myself at the End of 2020 #7" 2020, ink on paper, 28 x 22 cm
From the Notebooks (2010-2021)
by Gary Michael Dault
From the Notebooks, 2010-2021.
Number 72: Hunter and Prey (February 9, 2021)
DOUBLE DOUBLE issue 0212-2021
View Current Issue
CONTENTS: PAPER TALK, Pretty Hard, by Holly Lee / I have a six by six table named Novel, by Lee Ka-sing
Leaving Taichung Station
by Bob Black
The Cord in The Wall
Tins and kettles and rain harnessed: time
Peeled and juiced like dragon fruit—
The glucose-walled chambers of the shelving selves of things.
Peppers and a phone cord dried along the skeleton of my grandmother’s wall:
The crisp crunch of the wind inside the steps taken on the way to her grave—
The cord in the wall still plugged in.
A wrist that carries the dragon seeds of the dead now clipped
Along the bellow’d bone of its travels: desert
And time and elapsed moments
Running for home.
Neither darkness nor border have dominion
And love shall remain,
And the rooms that have gone, scattering
Yet there you are remaining
With light and liquor and love
And all that stills
Not there nor truly gone, ever.
for: Edith J. Black
Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor
by Cem Turgay
by Madeleine Slavick 思樂維
Cone as Tree (2020)
Travelling Palm Snapshots
by Tamara Chatterjee
France (October, 2015) – I spent the afternoon absorbing an unfamiliar scene, with a familiar giant. Our destination; a long awaited biennial of photographs situation along the banks of the Seine. I was in aerial spirits, cherishing the beautiful fall weather and enthusiasm for all things Photoquai.
by Fiona Smyth
Some Trees
by Malgorzata Wolak Dault
Number 61
Recently my next-door friend got a new computer and consequently bestowed on me her older one--so now I have my own email address. Gary and I immediately began corresponding from room to room, which gives us both much pleasure.
Yesterday, when I looked at my messages, I found this from Gary about his current reading in the works of Emile Zola (specifically, The Masterpiece): " If anyone should ask why I read Zola (and nobody will)," he wrote to me, "I'd point to writing like this: "...Willows, along both river-banks, trailed their pale heads in their own reflections."
Gary tells me that he simply didn't expect such lyricism from so committed a naturalist writer as Zola..
The Photograph
coordinated by Kamelia Pezeshki
Ms. Dusty Mae by Horst Herget
Wet plate, tintype original plate 6.5”x 8.5”
Yesterday Hong Kong
by Ngan Chun-tung
(Ngan Chun-tung 顏震東)
Shing Mun Reservoir 水塘溪澗, 城門水塘
Gelatin silver photograph, fibre-based
Paper size 16x20 inches
Work year 1978, vintage
Signed and titled on verso by the artist
「舊香港」 舊者,以1997年為界。1842年英開埠香港,1997年主權重歸中方。舊香港照片集以李家昇及黃楚喬所藏:邱良(1941-1997),顏震東(1927-2005),麥烽(1918-2009)於六十及七十年代所拍攝的原作照片為骨幹。三人生前均為李所代理及發行限量照片。照片集亦兼收所藏較近之攝影師於八、九十年代關於香港的照片,以及相關物如早期香港明信片等。人事流逝,景觀移動,懷念也。
YESTERDAY HONG KONG - a collection of photographs taken before or around 1997, the same year when Hong Kong was returned to China, since ceded to the Britain in 1842. Selected from the archives of Lee Ka-sing and Holly Lee, the YESTERDAY HONG KONG suite is mainly built around the silver photographs of Hong Kong in the 60s and 70s, taken by three veteran Hong Kong photographers: Yau Leung (1941-1997), Ngan Chun Tung (1927-2005) and Mak Fung (1918-2009). They were represented by Lee Ka-sing during their lifetimes. The collection also extends to the 90s, with additional work by contemporary photographers, and artifacts such as vintage publications and early postcards. Fading memories, changing times, a host of golden-era memorabilia.
OCEAN POUNDS online exhibition
Vintage photographs by Yau Leung
(exhibition runs through 20 February, 2021)
Yau Leung (1941-1997) is a highly regarded photographer in Hong Kong. Born in the war years, the city has always been the heart and core of his photography. His work does not belong to the avant-garde nor pictorial genre, he inherited a working style mixed with American Modernism, and to a great extent inspired by the idea of Henri Cartier-Bresson's "fixing eternity in an instant". He had been scouting often around streets big or small, capturing decisive moments and hence coined by people the "Bresson of Hong Kong". For more than forty years, he amassed an immense album of lives and activities of the ordinary people, the fast-changing faces, and vigorous movements in this increasingly cosmopolitain city, forming an integral part of visual memories of Hong Kong from the sixties to nineties.
10% OFF for online exhibits
Valid only for ORDERS for exhibits at the OCEANPOUNDS online exhibition, “YESTERDAY HONG KONG”. Offer valid through February 20, 2021 (11:59 p.m. eastern time).
OCEANPOUNDS online exhibition updated every 14 days. Special offer is available for exhibits during the show. Click here to subscribe Notifications.
The Raw and the Cooked, MYTHOLOGIQUES
(A column on the culture of eating and cooking)
Sardiney ocean
written by Holly Lee
These frozen sardines look like they are alive, just jumping out from the Indian Ocean into our plate. They are about to be grilled. A recipe is not necessary, just grind in lots of black pepper, sprinkle salt and olive oil, toss a bit and arrange them on the grill. We eat the whole fish including heads and tails, but that’s an option. Some people hate fish head, some love and have developed delectable ways of cooking it. But of course sardine heads are far too small for any significant fish-head bonanza, you either eat it, or dispose the stare by chopping it off.
The Raw and the Cooked, MYTHOLOGIQUES is a new column on the culture of eating and cooking, with contributions by various authors. The column name is borrowed from the title of a book by Claude Levi-Strauss. It is spontaneous, a little amusing but serious at the same time.

(Breakfast area and small shop)
Located on the second floor of an art space, INDEXG Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, all with ensuite bathroom. Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists, art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different cities visiting and working in Toronto.
50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto
ISSN 1918-6991
Published on Mondays, with columns by Artists and Writers
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
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