The Second-Read and other Negotiation Matters

三魚集 (2008)
[三魚集], 也斯, 田園書屋, 1988


Flowers (2008)
[Flowers], Irving Penn, Harmony Books, 1980


西諦書話 (2008)
[西諦書話], 鄭振鐸, 三聯, 1983


Cai Guo-Qiang (2008)
[Cai Guo-Qiang], Phaidon, 2002


A History of Reading (2020)
[A History of Reading], Alberto Manguel, Viking, 1996


費穆 (2008)
[詩人導演 - 費穆], 黃愛玲(編), 香港電影評論學會, 1998


Last Summer (2009)
[Last Summer], Koichi Inakoshi 稻越功一, Treville, 1989


Veronica’s Revenge (2009)
[Veronica’s Revenge], Elizabeth Janus (ed.), Scalo Zurich, 1998


Frank O’Hara (2017)
[Frank O’Hara Selected Poems], Alfred A. Knopf, 2008


荒蕪之臉 (2008)
[荒蕪之臉], 管管, 普天出版社, 1972


Cycles and Seasons (2020)
[Cy Twombly - Cycles and Seasons], Tate, 2008


Marcel Duchamp (2008)
[Marcel Duchamp], Gloria Moure, Thames and Hudson, 1988


藝林散葉 (2009)
[藝林散葉], 鄭逸梅, 中華書局, 1982


Bibliotheca (2017)
[Bibliotheca], Ushioda Tokuko 潮田登久子, Usimaoda, 2017


朱氏舜水談綺 (2008)
[朱氏舜水談綺], 華東師範大學出版社, 1988


Looking at Photographs (2008)
[Looking at Photographs], Gordon Baldwin, The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1991