My Image of Hong Kong

Mirror Mirror East meets West. Her name Carol Gordon, Flash Gordon. Got married the year before, I met Jenny Lewis, wore her violet fly butterflies fly cheongsam in my wedding. Gordon, hair by Dean Morris, boom boom Afro hairstyle, slithering silky white worms. An Australian, or Englishman, he' the one, yes, the one first introduced us electronic mail. Was that your image, Hong Kong? Boldness and awkwardness, confident yet hesitant. Hey year, was that what you really look like? Hey 1982, was that your image, or mine?

This was the image I submitted to the exhibition My Image of Hong Kong, Poster Invitational 1982. It was organized and exhibited in the Hong Kong Arts Centre.


5"x8" c-type print.
Photographed with a SINAR 5x7 view camera

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