I don't remember on what occasion. He came in, seemed nervous. He sat down, I don't recall a conversation. He sat down, and began to draw. He looked at me, and showed me the drawing. He looked at me, I forget my expression. He looked at me, and showed me the drawing. The boy in the drawing looked at me, I remembered I looked at the boy in the drawing. The boy looked at me and I liked it. The boy looked at me and the boy has green eyes and a small mouth. I looked at the boy and I liked the boy. I liked to buy the drawing and I asked the boy's name. The boy looked at me and he took back the drawing. I asked the boy's name, he flipped the paper and started another drawing. The boy in the drawing has big brown eyes, brown hair and thin lips. He wore a green sweatshirt. I looked at the boy and I called him Katty. Katty looked at the boy and added a small brown heart next to Katty. Hearty Katty never came back for a second time. I kept the drawing for ten dollars.