ADJACENCY Writings by Gary Michael Dault based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs from LIGHT READINGS series
 (Lee Ka-sing - Vintage Story)
#130--Vintage Story
blue glove and bronze glove
innocence and weight
one like a vase the other like an angel
a light breeze connects them
a current flows between them
the bronze glove topples over
the blue glove lifts like a balloon
the battery broken, all Paris grows dark
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Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄 by Holly Lee
 (A gift from Big head Tommy. Painting by Tomio Nitto)
Big head Tommy
Big head Tommy have your way sketch our city any fine day talk to a captain sail on his ship swim with dolphin touch a fish
Big head Tommy enjoys cooking from his sun room he enjoys looking stories in his head appear on canvas a year after they're born painted over with new ones
Big head Tommy born in war years village life fell hard yet never felt tears trees had flowers streams had shrimps youngest and bravest a carefree vagabond
Big head Tommy wandered like clouds landed Canadian weather he threw his plough the soil is fetching the air can sing seasons distinctive Winter Autumn Summer Spring
Big head Tommy do you miss home? away from siblings all alone wings on your back you said you've met Libertas in her phrygian cap and Beaver the Sharp Teeth in his High Park home
Big head Tommy walks all day no pedometer no whatsapp he's alert to world news he knows what's on see old friends discover new place joining football fans in retro Revue watching FIFA eating pop corn
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Greenwood by Kai Chan

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CHEEZ by Fiona Smyth

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Tabletop Studio by Gary Michael Dault

No. 191. Colin and Clifford Discuss His Work. He seldom welcomed visitors to his studio, but he always made an exception for the the rare appearance there of two old mendicant, rudely philosophical cronies named Colin and Clifford. He'd met them in art school--so many decades ago!-- and saw them maybe once every five years. The funny thing about them (he actually found it endearing) was that, after he'd made them comfortable and got them coffee, they'd settle down, not to chat with him, but to look at his new work--and talk about it as if he weren't there. "There's a lot of yearning here," said Colin. "Searchlights and hot air balloons," noted Clifford. "Upwardness." "Yes," said Clifford. "You don't think our boy is waxing transcendental in his dotage, do you?" smiled Colin. "It wouldn't be like him," said Clifford. "Still, there's all this striving..." "And buoyancy" added Clifford. "Light-headedness," said Colin, with a smirk. "It's untethered," Clifford decided. "It is that," agreed Colin. "Would you two like more coffee?" he asked them. "We'll get it," grinned Clifford. "Don't get up."
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Istanbul Journal by Lee Ka-sing

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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° MONDAY ARTPOST with columns by Artist and Writer ISSN 1918-6991 mail@mondayartpost.com mondayartpost.com Follow us on Facebook facebook.com/mondayartpost Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication