


Writings by Gary Michael Dault
based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs
from LIGHT READINGS series

(Lee Ka-sing - Days After Tomorrow)

#129--Days After Tomorrow

Ars Artistica

There’s nothing nourishing
in the paint
no thinking in the ink
any lithograph is a sidewalk
with a pigeon’s punctuations

The city slides on
the subways whine and grumble
people speak into their palms
walk right into each other
by the momentary
memorial touch of body
only to be
scanned away
back to the stuffy peace
brimming in their devices

Please don’t step on my toes
these are only sneakers
if you get them dirty
a black taxi will pick me up
and take me to
that part of the city
where they keep
people with dirty shoes

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Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop


Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor

Crossing The Bridge

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Browse Shelley Savor's work available at M shop


Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄
by Holly Lee

[Objects of Mythical Power], VI
Fruit Dictionary

One white apple
two grapefruits
one red banana
two plums
one clementine
two oranges
one kiwi
two cherries
one lychee

One gala apple
two pomelos
one cavendish banana
two lemons
one mango
two avocados
one pear
two apricots
one longan fruit

One ambrosia apple
two pineapples
one plantain banana
two persimmons
one melon
two jackfruits
one papaya
two guavas
one passion fruit

One jazz apple
two durians
one baby banana
two pomegranates
one watermelon
two cranberries
one strawberry
two tangerines
one kalamata olive

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by Kai Chan

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Bowse Kai Chan's work available at M shop


by Fiona Smyth

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Browse Fiona Smyth's work available at M shop


Tabletop Studio
by Gary Michael Dault

No. 190. The Empty Easel. Something was wrong. The easel seemed three times as large as it usually did. Sitting before it, he felt as small as his cat. He was teeming with ideas, but utterly lacked the fortitude--or the physical stamina--to act upon them. Was he ill? Old? Victorian poet Robert Browning had insisted that "a man's reach should exceed his grasp" but lately he had no grasp whatsoever. Maybe a few weeks away would help. But where ought he to go?

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Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop


Istanbul Journal
by Lee Ka-sing

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with columns by Artist and Writer
ISSN 1918-6991
Follow us on Facebook facebook.com/mondayartpost
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication




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