Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄
by Holly Lee

Another Saturday
Another Saturday
I don't want
unread newspapers
magazines pile on
icy window sill
Deal with today
errands tailgate
this week's news
become yesterday's
discouraging to update
Need to clip my finger nails
need a mirror
bathroom with hanging hooks
another book shelf
a good table light
This age of speed
convenience, endless appetite
do I want to reject
push back, or simply fight
the plight of overindulgence
Split time in the prism
look into a rainbow bubble
slow journalism
slow reading and eating
slow down living, go farming
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Writings by Gary Michael Dault
based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs
from LIGHT READINGS series

(Sounds From Afar)
#127: Songs From Afar (Traveling in Greece with a Guidebook):
1) At The Hotel.
Where is the office?
I ask for a room on the second floor
I want a room with two beds
Have you got one on the first floor?
Can I see the room?
Have you nothing better?
I want a quiet room
I cannot sleep in this room,
there is too much noise
Have you nothing cheaper?
If you cannot give something better
I shall have to look elsewhere
Very well, I shall take this room
This room is not clean
The sheets on this bed are damp
It' very strange, these shoes
aren't mine,
I left mine here
where are they?
Have you seen them?
Oh yes sir, you are very obliging
2) In the Bar
Do you like better inside or outside?
As you like, I don't mind
What will you have?
I am thirsty and tired madam;
we have to go home the soonest possible
I want to go to bed
3) In the Bar, later
If you want to meet me again
you can call me up tomorrow
or some other time
Hope to see you again soon
how old are you?
4) Outside the Bar
Where are we going?
That man is following her everywhere
You are mistaken
I didn't do it
let me pass
I don't want to speak to you
leave me alone
I shall call a policeman
help! fire!
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by Kai Chan

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by Fiona Smyth

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Tabletop Studio
by Gary Michael Dault

No. 188. Jerome in His Study. He had begun collecting spaces--representations (either in paintings, photographs or in writing) of those places that made him feel secure, focused, expansive and content. He was continually enriched in this long meditation by his decades of reading and rereading Gaston Bachelard--his The Poetics of Space (1964) in particular.
He was always cognizant, in his searches, of the difficulty, for example, of what Bachelard refers to as making the inside of a space concrete and keeping the outside vast. In his architectural daydreaming, he longed, for example, for a cell-like space which was nevertheless not a confinement. He sought a place that nourished what poet Paul Eluard once called "the solemn geographies of human limits."
One of the spaces he loved--a fictive one--was the Saint's library in the painting St. Jerome in His Study by Antonello da Messina (1430-1479). An enclosure within an enclosure, Jerome's study is depicted here not so much as a room as a stage. Jerome has company in his orisons: a partridge, a peacock, a cat and of course, way over at the right, almost lost in shadow, his iconic lion--the one from whose paw, Jerome once thoughtfully removed a thorn.
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Located on the second floor of the gallery, INDEXG Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, all with ensuite bathroom. Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists, art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different cities visiting and working in Toronto.
50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto

with columns by Artist and Writer
ISSN 1918-6991
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Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication