Greenwood by Kai Chan
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ADJACENCY Writings by Gary Michael Dault based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs from LIGHT READINGS series
#123: Outreach
A Burnt Tree
you discover your own body right in front of you like a burnt tree
you move like concrete in a saucepan wishing for
the open windows of youth with spotted winds fluttering by like confetti
you long for elasticity, pulling, beading you’d give a lot for an earthquake just to get moving sidewalks shaking bone bridges shuddering
you never gaze at passing birds lest their facility open canyons of yearning in your tightening limbs
the sky is still open and without valence arching over you like a bed on the ceiling
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Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄 by Holly Lee (response in photograph by Lee Ka-sing)
II : Istiklal Avenue
在多倫多 談 伊士坦堡 在紅酒與紅酒之間 Menemen, Turkish coffee Coca-Cola, Huawei 街井的風情 如昔日香港 迎新 沒有棄舊 貓兒討食 狗最懂得 橫睡在街上 養生
大都會都不愛睡覺 Istiklal大道 晩黑 人山人海 鬧市如梭 Pera Pera 十八世紀 新古典新歌特 文藝重復興新藝術 舊建築簷下 架起新時髦店舖 旅遊叫醒了 五十年的頽弊 Istiklal 大道 天天都是狂歡天天都在節日 小市民有小生活 遊子有遊子心 手上機 爭相抓拍
天光 水車 勤於清洗 昨夜的垃圾 為了貪食 腳又不自覺 重訪 那風情小巷 Emir Nevruz 多吃一次 番茄煮蛋 多喝一次 Orhan用砂粒焙烘的 土耳其咖啡
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Caffeine Reveries by Shelley Savor
Nothing Could Stop Me From Delivering Your Present
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Tabletop Studio by Gary Michael Dault
No. 184. Pineapple Poll. It was the biggest painting he'd ever made. He was going to leave it with just the architecturally-scaled pineapple holding sway, but then he decided to decorate and therefore animate the picture's corners. Whereupon the corners became the whole painting for him.
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CHEEZ by Fiona Smyth
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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° MONDAY ARTPOST with columns by Artist and Writer ISSN 1918-6991 mail@mondayartpost.com mondayartpost.com Follow us on Facebook facebook.com/mondayartpost Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication