CHEEZ by Fiona Smyth

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Greenwood by Kai Chan

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ADJACENCY Writings by Gary Michael Dault based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs from LIGHT READINGS series
 (Night still young)
122--A Night Still Young
The night is still young (and incendiary) in Lee Ka-sing's photograph. In my poem, A Palm Quickens, the night is moving along rapidly, is indeed hectic with consummation:
A Palm Quickens
she falls back onto her bed in a drift of sugar
he stays as vertical as a candle flame
she has one marble foot on the sudden floor
both are astonished at his being permitted to see her in this solitude
needful shiny as a fish he drinks just as the water is running away
she inhales ocean air her palm quickens
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Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄 by Holly Lee

I : A Room with a View
All quiet Sunday morning rises Istanbul Hear call to prayer
Across the Golden Horn The Valens Aqueduct Suleymaniye, Fatih, six minarets Penciling your silhouette
Young Pamuk had another view From Cihangir Over looking Üsküdar Eminönü, Topkapi, the Blue Mosque
Under hustling Galata Bridge A hundred fishermen compete The fine art of fishing “What’s for dinner tonight?”
That evening We ate a Black Sea turbot A flat spiky fish Swam in rock salt
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Caffeine Reveries by Shelley Savor

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Tabletop Studio by Gary Michael Dault

No. 183. Ideas. Well, the fact is, he had too many of them. They silted themselves into shoals of indigestible possibility. They coagulated into a bristling reef of notes-to-himself, a reef upon which he was more likely to run aground than to sail into some exotic port of achievement. His ideas were making him old. They came to him now as taunts rather than escape hatches or--as they used to be--intimations of mastery..
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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° MONDAY ARTPOST with columns by Artist and Writer ISSN 1918-6991 mail@mondayartpost.com mondayartpost.com Follow us on Facebook facebook.com/mondayartpost Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication