
Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor
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From Dufferin Grove Farmers' Market to Home in a ten-minutes journey
I'd got
a basket of
just picked second last week peaches
and a loaf of
rosemary bread
baked fresh from the park's oven
kamut, spelt, pumpkin seed
multigrain and rye
were all from the freezer
baked one day ahead
Heidrun is on vacation
I was walking
towards the mall's car park
on the pavement
along Dufferin Park
in good shade
looking up all the great trees
some I could name
that tree with stripping barks
maple of different kinds
many tones of green
overlapping, cool and minty
like the painting of Emily Carr
a sudden urge to escape the city
into the forests
lying under big trees
giant umbrellas
hundred shades of green
could see them eyes closed
could hear them
feel them
sailing clouds
whispering winds
I climbed inside my Honda
still thinking of Emily
and wanted to read her stories
(that I did when I got home
and bought her biographical trilogy:
Klee Wyck, The Book of Small, The House of All Sorts
at a Kindle price of $1.39)
back inside the car
I turned left on Dundas West
right on Gladstone
passed Alexander Muir-Gladstone Public School
and the long stripe of mosaic
Wisdom, Love, Truth, Bravery, Humility
Honesty and Respect
I remember the school kids
age six to eleven
for days the teacher labored with
sometimes sunny
sometimes a threat to rain
I almost wanted to add
patience, obedience, cooperation
a war putting chaos into order
required the little mosaicists
a little blood and sweat
In another twenty seconds
I arrived our driveway
it seemed taken
a long time
talking about measuring time
the school was built
in 1952
I was then
just at the age of
minus one
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Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄
by Holly Lee

by Kai Chan
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Thursday, August 30, 2018
The Transformation
by Lee Ka-sing
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I Only Have Eyes for You. His afflicted left eye had cost him a month of his life (which wasn't getting any longer). It was a double-decker operation: first a muffling cataract had to be slid away and then a nice fresh new cornea--which of course had belonged to somebody else--was gently insinuated into his eye--where it refused to stay.
Have summarily detached itself, this outlaw cornea had to be reattached. There were litres of improving drops: anti-infection drops, anti-rejection drops (who couldn't use some of them?), an eye-patch, and admonitions against stooping, lifting etc. Couldn't read. Couldn't (of course) drive. It was a sluggish, moribund six weeks.
In the course of which he squinted haplessly at a lot of eye charts. How hopeless their inscrutable texts! How maddening, the way they faded away, line by line, into into some wistful, unattainable distance!
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Tabletop Studio
by Gary Michael Dault
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by Fiona Smyth
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#117: Off-seat
I just now sent to Lee Ka-sing a photo of a page of my Italian-Greek journal from Tuesday, May 5, 1987. It shows a drawing in ink and blue watercolour of a café chair in Sienna to which I was immediately re-transported by the broken, abstracted chair in the right of his moving photo, Off-seat (which appears to me to be a pun on “offset” or disarranged). The brokenness seems like the derelictions of memory, its imperfect reconstructions.
My journal entry describes the little café where we are sitting in a window overlooking Sienna’s Piazza del Campo. According to the journal, “we don’t feel very well, but are going to brazen it out with this entire litre of chianti.”
It’s cold and grey and rainy. An Englishwoman, I note, sits outside for lunch. We admire her pluck. She has soup and lasagne and a bottle of wine. The waiter hoists an umbrella so the rain won’t dampen her indomitable spirit and spoil her lunch. After she has finished, we look out to discover that she had left most of the bottle of wine. She hadn’t consumed more than a single glass of it.
The house chianti is called Cantina del Palio and the label is a photograph of the famous race (horses and riders madly rounding a corner of the slanted square.
We’re off now to visit the cathedral.
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Writings by Gary Michael Dault
based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs
from LIGHT READINGS series
Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop
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with columns by Artist and Writer
ISSN 1918-6991
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Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication