
今天兩則 Two Thoughts Today
Amazon 先生 請你不要形影不離 自以為是 自作聰明 today I want to be invisible
Life is not right 如果 花 經常 追憶前身 我是酸葡萄, forgetting the long extinguished blaze
Mr. 阿馬遜 please don't hang around think you're so sharp think you're so smart 今天我要隱形
活不得然 if flower always thinks of morning glory I am sour grape, 忘掉 老早熄滅了的火焰
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Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄 by Holly Lee (response in photograph by Lee Ka-sing)
 Greenwood by Kai Chan
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Bowse Kai Chan's work available at M shop

Time Present and Time Past by Lee Ka-sing

Bat Boys River Diving Caffeine Reveries by Shelley Savor
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Browse Shelley Savor's work available at M shop

CHEEZ by Fiona Smyth
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Browse Fiona Smyth's work available at M shop
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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° MONDAY ARTPOST with columns by Artist and Writer ISSN 1918-6991 mail@mondayartpost.com mondayartpost.com Follow us on Facebook facebook.com/mondayartpost Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication