by Fiona Smyth
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Browse Fiona Smyth's work available at M shop
by Kai Chan
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Bowse Kai Chan's work available at M shop
Objects of mythical power
I am as vocal as my cat
we sing a duet
when I threw him a ball
he outplayed me
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Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄
by Holly Lee
No. 177. The Goods Wagon.
It was fearfully hot, and it had occurred to Abigail, his next-door landscape painter, that he might enjoy a glass of iced tea. He was out when she dropped by. When she entered his studio, she was surprised to find that he had apparently returned to railroading in his art. The only object in the studio was a large carved goods wagon, painted green (he had once told her that in England, freight cars were called "goods wagons"). "Oh dear, thought Abigail, "he's planning his escape again." More (archive)
Tabletop Studio
by Gary Michael Dault
Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop
Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor
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Browse Shelley Savor's work available at M shop
(The wing)
#116: The Wing
The detached wing, the wing-without-the-bird, lies resting at the foot of a harboring tree, gasping like an angel, waiting to resume a vaulting flight. The wing's exhausted bird is napping somewhere close by, perhaps on the other side of the tree, curled as far away as possible from that abrasive, push-pull brick wall.
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Writings by Gary Michael Dault
based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs
from LIGHT READINGS series
Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop
Click here to browse 25 photographs, selected from Lee Ka-sing’s Z FICTION series,
a body of fictional photo-based work, produced in between 2008-2012.
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ISSN 1918-6991
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Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication