 Greenwood by Kai Chan
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Bowse Kai Chan's work available at M shop

Wednesday morning College street
"Do you remember the last time you wrote a letter?"
While waiting here for Tavoos to open I asked myself a question standing underneath a pole thinking I still have a packet of age-old air mail envelopes blue wings red wings printed along its border defeating its own very purpose and every dream of flying
imagining doves delivering words angry war messages secret love letters
high sky high the postcards I wrote from Spain never arrive
"We drank tea on the meadow of the table. I opened the door. A piece of sky fell into my glass. I drank the sky down with the water."
What is this poet's name? his verses high on the wall in this Iranian breakfast place
Inside Peacock Throne in Persian, Takht-e Tavoos we ordered spinach narguesi : two sunnyside up eggs bed of fresh sautéed spinach crispy onion, creamy feta cheese marinated olives tomatoes in the shape of grapes I took pictures of our plates and your face do you really look younger in a new camera with old lens in its place?
Wednesday morning College street the doves are still hopping from tooth brush to tooth brush, in a dentist's facade
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Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄 Writings by Holly Lee Response in picture by Lee Ka-sing
 CHEEZ by Fiona Smyth
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Browse Fiona Smyth's work available at M shop
 No. 176: Onward and Upward
His complaints about the exhausted, detumescent feelings visited upon him by his big white painting on cardboard were mollified somewhat by a cheerful message from an antiques dealer he knew. "Why don't you just turn the painting upside down," suggested his waggish dealer friend. "That will perk things up!" So he did. And now the painting seemed as strong, as vigorous, as full of aspiration as he had originally wanted it to be. He decided to invite Abigail, his next-door landscape painter, to come and see it. "Well," said the always judicious Abigail, "that's more like it!" "More like what?" he asked her. Abigail blushed slightly. "More like you," she told him.
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Tabletop Studio by Gary Michael Dault
Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop
 Caffeine Reveries by Shelley Savor
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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Exhibition 
Exhibition ends this Sunday, June 30, 2018 GALLERY 50 50 Gladstone Ave 416.535.6957
 (Mr. Gould sitting on the bench chair outside Glenn Gould Studio)
#115: All Passion Spent
I hate figurative sculpture--with the exception of Rodin's brilliant Homage to Balzac (1891-1939), for which the sculptor modeled Balzac in his dressing gown, thereby making him look like a vertical slag-heap.,
The Glenn Gould statue--at the Glenn Gould Studio in Toronto's Canadian Broadcasting Centre--is by figurative sculptor Ruth Abernethy. It was commissioned in 1999. Glenn Gould would hate it.
The sculpture depicts the private and deeply, engagingly eccentric Gould, huddled like a derelict on a park bench, swaddled up in his overcoat (with his absurdly ribbed gloves and tweed cap), so muffled by bronze outerwear you can hardly see Abernethy's laborious attempt at the depiction of the great pianist's sensitive face. Clothes are way easier to sculpt than people.
What's remarkable is how closed down the sculpture is, how lumpen, how inert it is. The thing is an eternal affront to the pauseless soaring of Gould's mind.
The tangle in the photograph at the right is a better depiction of the artist--of any artist. Creativity is a maelstrom. More (archive)
ADJACENCY Writings by Gary Michael Dault based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs from LIGHT READINGS series
Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop

Click here to browse 25 photographs, selected from Lee Ka-sing’s Z FICTION series, a body of fictional photo-based work, produced in between 2008-2012.
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We recommend INDEXG B&B  STAY WITH ART. Located on the second floor of the gallery, INDEXG Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, all with ensuite bathroom. Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists, art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different cities visiting and working in Toronto. INDEXG B&B 50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto 416.535.6957 indexgbb.com
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° MONDAY ARTPOST with columns by Artist and Writer ISSN 1918-6991 mail@mondayartpost.com mondayartpost.com Follow us on Facebook facebook.com/mondayartpost Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication