

To fold a dream

We just ordered
a folding bathtub
from Amazon
in my childhood
I always found solutions
to major problems
I used to dream
folding cars
in folding parking lots
caving neatly
inside my school bag
on this empty plot
we could unfold
and roll out
a park
plant trees
like chess pieces
on a chessboard

And what if
I can fold
all my belongings
and a dream
in my pocket
I will fold myself
into a seagull
flying and diving
Jonathan Livingston style
over sky and ocean
over hot yellow desert sand
to mystery and grandeur
to world's end bathing in vaporous gold

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Coffee and Tea 鴛鴦偶寄
Writings by Holly Lee
Response in picture by Lee Ka-sing


by Fiona Smyth

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Browse Fiona Smyth's work available at M shop


No. 175. Detumescence. He was very tired.
He decided to go back to painting again.
He wanted to make something clean and clear,
so he painted a white, two-element configuration (in house paint) on a huge sheet of corrugated cardboard--his favourite support for painting.
It was only when he was almost finished that he realized his picture looked a bit detumescent. In fact it seemed as weary as he was.

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Tabletop Studio
by Gary Michael Dault

Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop


Green Wood
by Kai Chan

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Bowse Kai Chan's work available at M shop



The amazing Art Brownie Project has come to its finale. This is a replay from previous shows, from art pieces yet to be admired again. Each brownie represents a person, a small universe all its own.

Exhibition runs through June 30, 2018


(Picturing the burning heart of an aloe vera plant)

#114: Hearts on Fire

They say this about impassioned painters, writers, playwrights, et al, who do not wear their hearts on their sleeves but are, rather, inner charcoal pits of glowing embers and leaping flames. They say their hearts are on fire. Rilke's heart was apparently on fire, nearly all the time. So was Emily Dickinson's. And Dante Gabriel Rossetti's. Maybe Li Po's. Swinburne's. And, no doubt, Edna St. Vincent Millay's. Oh yeah, and Yeats.

There's the Roman Catholic Sacred Heart. Which burns. Jesus's heart burned.

So there's supposed to be this inner burn. You even see it smouldering in their eyes. The burning is dithyrambic, dionysian, deranged. An incarnating spasm, ideas, passions, tearing away like solar flares leaping from the sun.

It's exhausting, I reckon.

Take these Aloe Vera plants: respectably quotidian on the outside, roman candles within. Creative heartburn. Overheating. Is it something to be desired--or cautiously, sensibly avoided?

"One loving heart sets another on fire," wrote St. Augustine. So be wary of too-loving hearts.

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Writings by Gary Michael Dault
based on Lee Ka-sing's photographs
from LIGHT READINGS series

Browse Gary Michael Dault's work available at M shop


Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor

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Browse Shelley Savor's work available at M shop



Located on the second floor of the gallery, INDEXG Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, all with ensuite bathroom. Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists, art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different cities visiting and working in Toronto.

50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto


with columns by Artist and Writer
ISSN 1918-6991
Follow us on Facebook facebook.com/mondayartpost
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication


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