Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
Taking Notes
by Jeff Jackson
“ Harbour View “, looking south from Portas do Sol, Lisbon, 2020.
by Kai Chan
Collage #3, 2021
The Photograph
coordinated by Kamelia Pezeshki
From the series “Pahlevan Never dies” (“Pahlevanan Nemimirand”), Manoocher by Semco Salehi
Illustration based on film and digital photography 2020
“Pahlevan Never dies” (“Pahlevanan Nemimirand”) is a collection of 9 digital images using film and digital photography with a focus on forgotten myths of “Pahlevani”, which it’s a form of Iranian male heroism and athleticism. “Pahlevans” were Persian warriors that were known for their bravery and sportsmanship. Back in the day, people considered “Pahlevans” as a symbol of reverence. There are many poems and tales about their valiancy and virtue. These tales have been exaggerated over the years to the extent that they have lost their practical meaning. Today, a minority group of Iranians still believe in “Pahlevan” culture. This group is mostly comprised of men from older generations with the exception of few young enthusiasts. They practice the athletics as a group, while they cherish and practice the philosophy of Pahlevani. The place in which they practice called “Zoorkhaneh”. It is important to highlight that being a “Pahlevan” is a male only traditional and “Zoorkhaneh” is a male only gym, where men practice traditional workout to the tunes of live traditional drumming. Unfortunately, both the tradition of being a “Pahlevan” and “Zoorkhaneh” (gym) are on the verge of extinction. The images are a combination of Western Popculture and Qajar era stoneprints. Each image is manipulated to showcase the exaggerated tales of “Pahlevani”. They also display the imported western advertising influence in such traditional culture.
by Fiona Smyth
Poem a Week
by Gary Michael Dault
The Stationary Moon
the stationary moon
a pencil stub
could write
a grocery list
this moon
a heel of chalk
a marble nipple
by telescope
moon floater
on my retina movie
plays all night
ol’ moon
dry crusted
by dawn
fading fast
into somebody’s poem
by Madeleine Slavick 思樂維
There is room for all of us.
a poem
by Kam Ping Hing 金炳興
伊夜夜開出殉愛的蘆花城垣下 遺留三頃濕草地
我渡過河西 河西盡多無名塚
南飛紫燕 原缺少季節情
伊曝在洋臺的雙腿 冒起狼煙
霧盡 仍不見茂密的矮松枝
落在低窪的火焰 有待
好教演韋馱的 把佛牙獻出來
埋下顛沛 埋下羞怯 埋下年齡
千里艨艟 橫亙晨昏通道
我遂不辨龍首龍尾 甲板純度
赤身攀上桅頂 扯下旛旗
伊說 若在雪地奔跑過
把槳聲的一邊 盪向另一邊
半帶泥濘 半帶笑
當砲火烹我 砧聲震我
小睏仍待採菱日 這一陣
初稿 1966
photograph by Lee Ka-sing
DOUBLE DOUBLE issue 1203-2021
View Current Issue
CONTENTS: Hollian Thesaurus II - Jinx, in front of Hong Kong Harbour, circa 1994. Photographed and written by Holly Lee
Travelling Palm Snapshots
by Tamara Chatterjee
Uzbekistan (November, 2019) – I'd never felt the elation of standing surround by a visual maze of geometry, it was a new consciousness. The only way to convey the sensation; is akin to feeling overwhelmed, bewildered and amazed at the same time. I felt turned around and unable to focus, a literal equivalent to a kid in a candy store. Glimmering mosaic tiles in repetition, creating a rhythmic, heart-thumping excitement inside my core.
From the Notebooks (2010-2021)
by Gary Michael Dault
From the Notebooks, 2010-2021.
Number 114: The Painter (January 26, 2016--December 3, 2021).
Leaving Taichung Station
by Bob Black
紅燒肉 and Apple
winter breaks through the window barking
in the den of night trolling for bite
and I am up and about and cannot outwit its pursuit
as it pries apart my bones from the fat caging my heart and sleep
all the while
you were an ocean and eleven time zones away,
Long is the day in search of words and warmth.
Long the line that measures the notebook blue-spaced white between us.
like a black branch bowed beneath the tug of all that hibernal wind,
I sniff out food and recipes that will warm and wind me down
to earth the way breeze from the sea settles 九份 cool longing,
downward like rust and ore and peanut-braised creme.
And I find, in the algebra of 紅燒肉 and maple and apple, your voice
and we were one
though you were an ocean and eleven time zones away,
scootering off to sleep.
Short is the night of making rhyme from beast.
Short is the space between the syllables of your name and my cutlery.
mark the wind and the minnows teething at our ankles and heart,
mark the way the fork fell and the fat splattered and stained my shirt.
If only they were your accented words perched elliptical upon your lips
as lentil and laughter and letting-go.
When I dispatch the winter with meal,
I race toward you and wondering:
who triangulates an ocean and eleven time zones?
The heart and the stomach know neither distance nor spaced conundrum.
Thus, from all that tribometry,
to you, even in winter, full-bellied,
I wobble and space my hope toward home.
by Cem Turgay
Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor
XPIA released ebook edition of “Tomio Nitto’s “The Diary of Wonders”.
To purchase print version or ebook edition, use this link:
80 pages, ebook edition (for Kindle, iPad, Android devices or Desktop)
US$4.99 (download)
This publication is also available in print edition, published by OCEAN POUNDS -
8x10 inch, 80 pages, softcover, perfect binding
CAD $40.00 (plus tax, shipping)
ISSN 1918-6991
Published on Mondays, with columns by Artists and Writers
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
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