Published on Mondays, with columns by Artist and Writer. Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
by Fiona Smyth
Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor
Poem a Week
by Gary Michael Dault
The End of October
I've watched our yellowing maple
from my bedroom window
how it shivers like a dog
in the sharp gusts
I observe my car
cold in the driveway
covered more thickly
every morning with leaves
until this morning
the fall of leaves suddenly thin
and the tree almost bare
looking as if it will always be
empty and wan
no hope of spring
by Kai Chan
by Cem Turgay
Located on the second floor of an art space, INDEXG Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, all with ensuite bathroom. Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists, art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different cities visiting and working in Toronto.
50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto
View Current Issue
Three Poems by Holly Lee / Lee Ka-sing - Poem constructed with seven vintage Polaroids
Some Trees
by Malgorzata Wolak Dault
Number 45
I like sitting at the foot of an old tree, above its
teeming roots.
Travelling Palm Snapshots
by Tamara Chatterjee
India (December, 2016) – We spent a few hours driving the desert roads from Jaipur day-tripping to explore a beautiful but bedraggled Indian palace. On our way back from a majestic wander around the empty Mughal era compound, I had the car stop at the side of the road to explore a mirage of white. The carvers, their garments, their tools, the stones, everything in site was blanketed in white dust from the chiseled stone sculptures being born from skilled hands.
From the Notebooks (2010-2020)
by Gary Michael Dault
From the Notebooks, 2010-2020.
Number 56: Caryatid Stalactite (August 19, 2020)
The Photograph
coordinated by Kamelia Pezeshki
The Great Marsh, Massachusetts
Springtime, North Pool, 2018 by Philip Jessup
The Great Marsh is the largest salt marsh in New England. It extends from north of Boston to the New Hampshire’s Atlantic shoreline and spans over 20,000 acres. It is of unparalleled value to the northeastern states, encompassing barrier islands, beaches, and dunes that protect communities from nor’easters; tidal estuaries that support commercially fisheries; and recreational opportunities that enhance the liveability of the historic townships like Newburyport and Ipswich in the region.
The Raw and the Cooked, MYTHOLOGIQUES
(A column on the culture of eating and cooking)
Lunch by Kai Chan
I like to have soup for lunch; my favours are the Vietnamese and Chinese noodle soups. Most of the time we have lunch at home. I make lunch soup out of leftovers which sometimes include pasta, chicken, meat as well as fish. These often give a surprising richly taste. Most of the time I supplement with green leafy vegetables.To prepare a soup like this, I start with boiling water in the pot, add some salt and blanch the fresh vegetables. Then I take out the vegetables to the serving bowls. Now add the leftovers to the broth, simmer for a few minutes, adjust the taste with soy sauce, or miso; sometimes both, and serve with the vegetables.
Sometimes I have to start from scratch. I put a few pieces of dried seaweed to the boiling water, together with some leftover chicken bones, if we have them. Simmer for a few minutes and remove the bones. Then add some salt and cooking oil to cook the vegetables, tofu, soybean or any root vegetables. This adds up to be a very light and healthy lunch.
I sometime make the Japanese cooking stock, dashi, as the base for the soup. The dashi I make is to cook kombu (kelp), shavings of dried bonito, and dried shiitake mushrooms in water, simmered for about 10 minutes, but not to boil, and then strain the liquid as the stock. Some where I read about this “not to boil” in making dashi and have been following it without knowing the reason. I figure it has to do with the subtle tasting buds of Japanese, by not boiling, one could detect the favour of each ingredient.
The Raw and the Cooked, MYTHOLOGIQUES is a new column on the culture of eating and cooking, with contributions by various authors. The column name is borrowed from the title of a book by Claude Levi-Strauss. It is spontaneous, a little amusing but serious at the same time.
Published on Mondays
with columns by Artist and Writer
ISSN 1918-6991
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
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