Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
by Cem Turgay
Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor
Nobody Knew Where They'd End Up
CODA (ebook edition)
a suite of 227 photographs
by Lee Ka-sing
ISBN: 978-1-989845-13-4
Click here for more information
Electronic book based on CODA the second edition published in February 2021
Addition to this ebook edition: PDF displayed at FULL SCREEN mode, will bring up an auto-run PRESENTATION (approcimately 20 minutes).
CODA was created in the Fall of 2020, for the exhibition “On the Brink of Borrowed Time: To Stay / To Flee”. In this exhibition 12 visual artists were invited to dialogue with 12 writers. Ka-sing decided to use BOOK as a medium for the work. It was a response to Leung Ping-kwan’s poem “Cloud Travel” written in 1981. Organized by The House of Hong Kong Literature, the event was taken place at the Pao Galleries of the Hong Kong Arts Centre from October 30 to December 6, 2020.
Poem a Week
by Gary Michael Dault
Conch Shell (after Lorca)
you gave me
a conch shell
brimming with
sea water
it sounded the boom
of faraway freighters
I walked into it
like an old tortoise
swam inside
with the swish
of fish
until I ran out of breath
floundering back
to the carpeted shore
DOUBLE DOUBLE issue 0416-2021
View Current Issue
CONTENTS: One or two three strokes on Cem Turgay’s photograph, written by Holly Lee / An essay on Alchemy "Twenty Four Chapters, oil pigment on spruce”, a suite of 24 photographs by Lee Ka-sing
by Madeleine Slavick 思樂維
Red City
The Pōhutakawa, predominantly a coastal tree, blooms in December. The thin red petals find their way into many crevices, and the roots can crack pipes, so there are mixed views about this so-called New Zealand Christmas Tree.
by Kai Chan
"Deep" 2021 30 x 16 cm, thread on gampi paper
From the Notebooks (2010-2021)
by Gary Michael Dault
From the Notebooks, 2010-2021.
Number 81: Yew Tree (March 13, 2021)
by Fiona Smyth
Travelling Palm Snapshots
by Tamara Chatterjee
India (January, 2003) – The ambiance around me was joyful; ultimately the laughter arrived despite the reason for the visit. My favourite spot had always been the open balcony, elevated high enough to hear but not be seen. It was not the quiet escape I had envisioned; I quickly discovered that little tots often haunt new guests with their wide eyes and curious habits.
Some Trees
by Malgorzata Wolak Dault
Number 70
A seed lifts the tree's grandeur.
The Photograph
coordinated by Kamelia Pezeshki
22 Piazza San Marcos Venice, 2014 by Fank Eberdt

(Breakfast area and small shop)
Located on the second floor of an art space, INDEXG Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, all with ensuite bathroom. Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists, art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different cities visiting and working in Toronto.
50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto
ISSN 1918-6991
Published on Mondays, with columns by Artists and Writers
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
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