
Published on Mondays, with columns by Artists and Writers
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication
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by Kai Chan

"Migrating" 2021 31 x 24 cm, thread, ink on gampi paper

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by Cem Turgay


Poem a Week
by Gary Michael Dault

First Crocuses

our first gaggle
of crocus choristers
spring mummers
holding up their cups
for sweet rain
their saffron
pigmented with
overnight growing
parched for

(March 26, 2021)



DOUBLE DOUBLE issue 0402-2021

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CONTENTS: (NuNaHeDuo DISLOCATION, 3 of 3) A Life in Publication. Written by Holly Lee


"A macro-micro story of NuNaHeDuo DISLOCATION magazine (1992-2005) in three parts"

Read this three-part article at DOUBLE DOUBLE -


ARRIVING ISIDORA, Holly Lee's new book on the story of DISLOCATION will be released in early May, 2021.



From the Notebooks (2010-2021)
by Gary Michael Dault

From the Notebooks, 2010-2021.
Number 79: Stems  (March 21, 2021)-- from a notebook of watercolours.


by Fiona Smyth

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by Madeleine Slavick 思樂維

Insect Nest
At a native bird reserve near my town, with kiwi, takahē, kōkako, kererū… The national wildlife centre also holds the last of the native forest that once covered the region.  It is said that the morning song of the birds was so loud it would drown all conversation.

Travelling Palm Snapshots
by Tamara Chatterjee

Belgium (May, 2015) – An extension of a very memorable hiatus with the menage, Bruges was a short sortie. We spent most of our time sauntering around the historic centre; eventually discovering the Beguinage. The walled sub-city is currently home to an order of Benedictine nuns; avowing for the pious conduct of the original Beguines settlers to continue into the 21st Century. The only oddities within the quiet space were the large structures elevated in the trees of the public square. In retrospect they would make wonderful retreats for mindful meditation, but legend has it that the whimsical attraction is simply an art installation.

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Some Trees
by Malgorzata Wolak Dault

Number 68

Gary is very fond of Robert Bly's poetry.  He has a vast collection of Robert Bly's books but recently, he added to it one more-- a handsome hardcover edition of a volume titled Talking into the Ear of a Donkey.  Gary read to me one of the poems, Ready to Sleep ( I love listening to the poetry being read aloud).  It delighted me so much that I  read the whole book through.  In the course of which I found a poem I really liked titled "Thoreau as a Lover. "

Thoreau as a Lover

Dear old Thoreau abandoned his scandalous life
To live among the sand cranes and the ants.
He wasn't exactly a crowd-pleaser, but he
Kept company with his handsome language.
Each day he walked alone in the woods,
Bringing along a lover's book which told which flower
Was likely to blossom today.  Well, well;
Beyond that, He lived extravagantly alone.

Robert Bly,  "Thoreau as a Lover" in Talking into the Ear of a Donkey, (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2011), p.66.

The Photograph
coordinated by Kamelia Pezeshki

Suffocation 03, 2010 by Nasrin Arghavani Fard

Suffocation has been growing in me as I live through the
censorship and restrictions. I have thought about the politics of
molding people into society’s dominant structure. I have
questioned the boundaries of politicized traditions, cultural
beliefs and religious ideologies —the outside forces that
constrict us. Suffocation is about the permanent tension of
fighting against inside thoughts and emotions. It explores the
conflict that occurs at the intersection of inside and outside,
where you are restricted and have to struggle against the
requirement of hiding and blocking your truth. Through the
outer darkness, blurred images appear through a dim light:
some of the broken pieces of your inner mirror, fragmented
from a whole.

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Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor

Bunny Blues

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The Raw and the Cooked, MYTHOLOGIQUES
(A column on the culture of eating and cooking)

Fruit Reduction 
by Malgorzata Wolak Dault

I adore raspberries.  In the midst of summer, the beauty of a few of them, nestling in the palm of my hand, juicy and fragrant when just picked from the raspberry bush in my garden, makes me ecstatic.  I can only collect some of them because the rest belong to my birds, especially  the Robins, who are even more crazy about them than I am. They guard them carefully and pick the ripest ones, waiting patiently for the other raspberries to catch up..

It is in Early spring that I begin to long for them.  Because the fresh berries are not  yet available, I usually start preparing my first fruit reduction from frozen berries.  It's easy to make, aromatic, fragrant and colorful-- a bulwark against gray skies.  Of course, you can use any berries (like blueberries, strawberries or blackberrie).  When you come to cook the mixture, It is also worth noting that you can stop the process at any desired stage of cooking, moving first from a light fruit stew to a little thicker reduction to the point where, ultimately, the prolonged cooking will turn the mixture into jam.  In order to create a deeper color for my raspberry reduction and lend it a certain tartness, I add the juice of one pomegranate.

This is what I do.   First, I put 2 cups of frozen raspberries to a saucepan, adding approximately 1/4 cup of sugar.  Then squeeze the juice from both half a lemon and a small orange and pour it on the raspberries.  Next  cut the pomegranate in half horizontally, and squeeze as much of its juice as you can from it and sieve it onto the raspberries..  Now, the mixture is ready for cooking. Using a medium heat, bring the mixture to boil, then reduce the temperature to low and mix further, cooking the raspberries to the desired consistency, remembering that after the mixture cools, it will be a little thicker than you may have expected.  I do not bother sterilizing jars.  I just transfer the finished  raspberry redaction into a ceramic bowl, cover it tightly and keep it in the fridge. 

 I like to use the fruit reduction with biscuits, on yogurt, on ice cream and cheese cake.  A few days ago, I drizzled some onto a chocolate cake--where it was sublime!.


The Raw and the Cooked, MYTHOLOGIQUES is a new column on the culture of eating and cooking, with contributions by various authors. The column name is borrowed from the title of a book by Claude Levi-Strauss. It is spontaneous, a little amusing but serious at the same time.



Leaving Taichung Station
by Bob Black

We Amend : the Stroke and Strap of Motioned Things

The small dry snap, not twig, not stone, not mineral
But bone: of your twinning heart.
Can you hear it in your passing?
You the earth and the sky and all that came from inside.
That essential and real place: the bloom
Scattered along and inside the spine and stone of sky,
The quick in the land and the green breath of the sea.
The curvature that fit along your spine
Like a knot bowed around a cleat: bowsprit and halyard.’
Tuck and Tag.

Leap out into the wide raft of things, you conjurer
Of the living, bewildered and casting.
Wing it,
Flag it propinquitous and pallitative— and from which steers:

The leap.

And then, of faith,
From our beginning, we are torn.
The stroke and strap of motion,
Our landlubber hearts and our anchored spirits.
Yet, we amend
And from the distance, the climb of our imagination,
Comes a mending.
Brave yourself, scatter wide
That which you have stitched and from which
You became,
Scalloped from all these ordinary things, the pedestrian whole
Of you, of us,



for the families of the Taroko Express Train Tragedy in Taiwan

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(Breakfast area and small shop)

Located on the second floor of an art space, INDEXG Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, all with ensuite bathroom. Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists, art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different cities visiting and working in Toronto.

50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto

ISSN 1918-6991
Published on Mondays, with columns by Artists and Writers
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication


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