



A poem a day

A poem a day. Daily diptych by Lee Ka-sing
Read in detail and follow daily at the front page of OCEAN POUNDS


by Kai Chan

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Caffeine Reveries
by Shelley Savor

Teatime By The Waterfall Painting

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Located on the second floor of an art space, INDEXG Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, all with ensuite bathroom. Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists, art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different cities visiting and working in Toronto.

50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto



Adjacency, Series Two
written by Gary Michael Dault
based on photogaph by Lee Ka-sing

(Photograph by Lee Ka-sing: - Pecking grain from the east)


Number 16

He made one wing white
and the second wing red

which sharpened the eye
and streamlined the head

the angel spun round
in prismatic disgrace

while the painter grew rich
from the egg on his face

(from The Bronzino Poems, Toronto, Exile Editions, 2011)

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50 Gladstone Avenue

Calendar Beauty
a small collection of vintage calendar posters (circa1930-1940) from China

50 Gladstone Avenue
February 2-29, 2020
Private viewing, by appointment only



by Fiona Smyth

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From the Notebooks (2010-2019)
by Gary Michael Dault

From the Notebooks, 2010-2019.
Number 15: Seabird, June 23, 2011

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Travelling Palm Snapshots
by Tamara Chatterjee

Uzbekistan (November, 2019) – Roaming around the Registan in Samarkand, felt a little intimidating. Tiles in repetition, duplication – creating rhythmic, dynamic shapes. Dancing, whirling images in the minds eye. It overwhelmed the senses; it required a repeat visit.

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by Cem Turgay

A villager holding a squash amidst the reedmace. It was a place where the fisherman built their jetty and wooden sheds by the Marmara sea where I live. The government knocked them down for they drank wine and sang songs that were prohibited.




Some Trees
by Malgorzata Wolak Dault


Number 4

I love this magnificent old cedar but I can't write about it. It's too strong for me. Gary suggested this: "The great cedar is striding; one day it will catch up to itself and fall." I hope not. We've lost too many trees in our neighbourhood this year

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Writings/ Photographs/ Poetry/ Archives
A Holly Lee and Lee Ka-sing online magazine. Published on Fridays.

View current issue
Lee Ka-sing - A handful of love stories, DUET series / Assignment - Paper matter / Holly Lee - The Museum of Wandering #47 Sushi Grass in Paradise (A story)




Published on Mondays
with columns by Artist and Writer
ISSN 1918-6991
Published since 2002, an Ocean and Pounds publication


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