Writings/ Photographs/ Poetry/ Archives
A Holly Lee and Lee Ka-sing online magazine. Published on Fridays.
Lee Ka-sing - Seven Little Stories About Photography - selected photographs from "Z FICTION" series
(work 2010)
(work 2010)
(work 2013)
(work 2010)
(work 2010)
(work 2010)
(work 2010)
Most Z FICTION prints are available at OCEAN POUNDS online shop. In Hong Kong, please visit BLINDSPOT or GALLERY Z.
A selection of works from Z FICTION series will be at “HOMELAND in TRANSIT” in Basel this coming June.
Sushi Grass in Paradise (A story)written by Holly Lee
with photographs by Lee Ka-sing
(2) The Third Floor Library
Mrs. Bento has a key to a special room on the third floor. It is a small library lined not only with books, but personal archive and memorabilia. Violet, the lady from whom she bought this building two years ago, added a condition in the contract that the 'third floor library' must be kept in its original state until further notice of change. At the same time, Mrs. Bento also has to agree to keep it in good order. In the first year and half, the Bento family was too busy renovating the three storey house, converting the entire second floor to run a bed and breakfast business. All that work has taken up a great chunk of time, and Mrs. Bento rarely stay long in the library except for a quick clean up. Now the building is in much better shape and running on routine, she can do some house keeping for the library at least once a week. Though the room is almost an 'open secret' to her, she has become increasing curious in what personally history it is withholding. And why the seller of the house insisted to maintain it in pristine condition.
One fine Tuesday as she was dusting off the shelves in the library, she spotted a number of diaries. Pulling one out randomly she leafed through it, stopped at a page with a blue adhesive page marker, hesitated for a moment, but could not resist to read what was written on.
"Impossible memories. I was 21 in 1974, following Joni's footsteps. I understood a little but later on everything became blank. I almost forgot about those days. No wonder it feels so familiar - her songs at that time were also part of my life. The special feature of Joni Mitchell in the Students' Weekly did save some of my memories.
Yes indeed, Joni is not necessary fair to everything. Sometimes I feel she gets confused, mixing present and past with ever more imagination. But who isn't? I am pretty sure I have such a phenomenon.
Looking back at what I wrote in that special feature, though my feelings were genuine, it seemed over-mature and acted big like I knew everything. To look at it now really like Joni's criticism on herself, having composed Both Sides Now and not getting the real taste of it. In response to her All Star Tribute in 2000, she returned to the stage to sing Both Sides Now. She got it. Some people in the orchestra understood, and cried. I must also pay respect to my younger self, and forgive."
Mrs. Bento was intrigued, she quickly closed the diary and gently caressed it. A tender feeling ran all over her. A black diary made of faux leather, embossed with four digits: two zero one zero.
"Sushi Grass in Paradise" is an on-going story. To read the last chapter please refer to the previous issue of DOUBLE DOUBLE.

Lester Lee (1963-2014)
Espiral (#95P0133)
8"x10", fibre-base gelatin silver photograph, toned (printed in 1995)
OP Edition, with "OP editions" blind-stamp
Edition 13/20, signed and numbered on verso
Purchase this photograph at OCEAN POUNDS online shop
OP editions are limited edition photographs from the OP Print Program we organized since 1995. After we moved to Toronto, the Program was still in operation for the first five years. Over hundreds of artists have been included, with photographs released as small format limited editions, in 8”x10” fibre-based black and white or chromogenic colour photographs. We plan to publish here, a selection from the collection on a weekly basis.
Words by Holly Lee
In 1998, the Woolmark Company in Hong Kong planned its yearly promotion by inviting five local photographers to work on a photographic project. The photographers were Almond Chu, Basil Pao, Holly Lee, Lee Ka-sing and Ringo Tang. It required a collaborative work, pairing each photographer with a noted Hong Kong fashion designer. I had chosen to work with Walter Ma and produced two images using old photographs: one based on Ka-sing when he was four, the other was an old portrait of his mother. At the back of the photograph showing Ka-sing as a young boy, I translated the poem written by him in the seventies. It is a poem about his father.
I wrote the other four lines two days ago, re-imagining his mother.
Wrap myself in wool comfort
Trap the grass-green years
Strips of light come seeping through
Light up my chandelier
(Holly Lee, 2019)
Woolmark in Perspective, photoworks (1998) by Holly Lee
(Ka-sing's father with a movie camera, circa 50s. Postcard published in 1981)
1998年出版的「十人詩選」(李國威,葉輝,阿藍,馬若,李家昇,黃楚喬,禾迪,吳煦斌,關夢南,梁秉鈞),我提供的詩不多,其中有一首只得八行的,題目是《介紹》。這原是一首中長度的詩的一個片段。發刊在是個選本,我只選用了八行,並在詩末附註了「原本遺失,(残本)見錄李家昇黃楚喬工作室明信片,1981」。遺失,說穿了不外是個藉口,歸算是個1998年的終極修訂本罷。提到的殘本所屬地,也即是見圖這幀明信片了。當時正要印製工作室新名片,大度印刷機的版面還留下偌大的空間,便設計了一組明信片一同印刷。明信片以家庭舊照片為基礎,是張明信片,照片中是父親在五十年代,手持一部簡約老式電影機。至於後來他擁有多部Bolex (Regular 8 及16mm),那還是六十年代打後之事。楚喬提到拍攝羊毛局Woolmark in Perspective,在明信片背後的譯詩,便是出自這個源頭。(李家昇)
Four Photograms by Holly Lee
8"x10" fibre-based gelatin silver photograph
(work year 1996)
edition 4/5
edition 4/5
edition 5/5
edition 5/5
A project with supports from AGFA. Photograms using AGFA multigrade fibre-based paper. These four images were used as catalogue covers in 1996 for the OP Print Program.
Find Holly's Vintage Photograms at OCEAN POUNDS online shop
Lee Ka-sing - selected photographs from the series "50 Gladstone Avenue 吉石大道50號, a macro and micro documentary in present tense"
January 31, 2019 (she)
January 31, 2019 (Mao)
January 31, 2019 (he)
Cui Xiuwen 崔岫聞 (1970–2018)
Sanjie , 2003
digitally manipulated photograph
17.75"x5.5", digital chromogenic print, titled and dated by the artist
Issue 0208-2019
A Holly Lee and Lee Ka-sing online magazine. Published on Fridays.
Published by Ocean and Pounds and archived at
All rights Reserved.
Selective items in this publication are available at the OCEAN POUNDS online shop. For items featured in CURRENT WORK, VINTAGE, ARTIFACT, PUBLICATION, OBJECT, BOOKSCAPE and COLLECTION, please send a request to:
If you are a researcher or writer and want to use the material, please write us in advance. Some of the materials might have different level of copyrights involved.
Not to miss a single issue, please subscribe to DOUBLE DOUBLE Release Notification. Visit -
DOUBLE DOUBLE previous issues were archived at - is a portal website for current and earlier works. Apart from exhibitions, Holly and Ka-sing use extensively web platforms to display photography and writing projects. Contact us for a detail list of links.
Holly and Ka-sing currently live in Toronto with their daughter Iris, and their cat Sukimoto.