Writings/ Photographs/ Poetry/ Archives
A Holly Lee and Lee Ka-sing online magazine. Published on Fridays.
A tidal wave of toxic mud
A collage poem by Holly Lee, compiled from clippings from NYT
A tidal wave of toxic mud
Let me see me sweat
Beauty on earth is boring
Soak the rich!
Make me a cold and pitiless goddess
People, and the dogs who own them
Show no fear in the kitchen
Ideas are served much like meals
A spicy character, mixing up a carnival
At what age is love enthralling? 82
When the cure is worse than the disease
Cosmetics safety needs a makeover
A great story is a dangerous weapon, whether or not it's true
Life without longing
Blackface lingers on, a ghost on the stage and American history
After Twilight Zone, the Trump Zone
As an entry level employee, I'll give you senior level dedication
(From New York Times, February 10, 2019)
Lee Ka-sing
Snail mails in the time of cholera
from DUET series, 2020
床與大地 (Google tr. The bed and the land)
牆的變異 (Google tr. Mutation of a wall)
如何閱讀一齣歷史劇 (Google tr. How to read a historical drama)
直竪與橫放 (Google tr. Vertical and horizontal)
在高處的瑣碎物 (Google tr. Trivia in the heights)
電光火石瞬間 (Google tr. Moment)
瘟疫蔓延時 (Google tr. In the time of cholera)
管道 (Google tr. Channel)
Sushi Grass in Paradise (A story)
written by Holly Lee
with photographs by Lee Ka-sing
(49) Sci-fi Movies
“H.G. Wells, he’s the father of science fiction. I see you guys like sci-fi.” said Noah.
“Oh yes, mom and I sit down every night after dinner watching sci-fi movies on Netflix. We got this book together at Costco, that was originally meant for her Christmas present. Since it’s no longer a secret she just piled it up the ladder of books she’s about to read.”
“I love sci-fi,” pronounced Noah, “I guess you all know the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. I still think it is one of the best and most unforgettable sci-fi movies of all time. Of course, a staggering number of sci-fi films have been made since the invention of movies, in addition to the many genres of movies we can see today, if it’s relevant to use the term ‘Motion Picture Renaissance’, we’re clearly living in the mass explosion of creativity right now.”
“And compare the old Blade Runner with the new version 2049. The already bleak world becomes realistically bleaker - thanks to the amazing progress and technological innovations in film making, movies have taken us to a level we could never have imagined.” commented Ginger, suddenly remembering her dream of Big Brain and the human burger without the bun.
“But there is exactly where the problem is, we can no longer distinguish reality in the movies. We no longer believe what we see. We give all credit to the computer, forgetting the hundreds of people working behind it, each painstakingly repeating and perfecting their own small roles. Just look at the acknowledgment after the film, a never-ending tail of names dealing with technological terms and fields that no one can understand, or cares to understand. It’s terrifying to think that we enjoy so much of that sweet fruit of labour, all but achieved by the great effort of turning humans into robots. We’ve given up analyzing but take in whatever we’re given. There’s not even up to debate, the movie industry works day and night to create, to feed, to satisfy our forever growing appetite. For an instant I thought, we are so lucky, and so spoiled in this age.” Chai reflected as she got up and walked over to the side table, picked up the hard cover H.G. Wells and inspected. There were six novels included: The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, The First Men in the Moon and The Food of the Gods.
“That’s quite true, and I can never figure out how they could do it! Sci-fi series affect so much of our lives! When I first came to Canada, the magnet was X-Files. Everybody got hooked on it. Now it’s Black Mirror, Westworld, The Expanse, Stranger Things…oh just recently Ginger and I finished watching The Dark Crystal. We saw the 1982 movie first and then this remake. Both of which are unbelievably good.”
“Actually mom, we started watching more sci-fi a few years ago. I introduced you Doctor Who, then you got hooked. We’ve seen lots of series then, let me try to recall…like…Falling Skies, Killjoys, Sense 8, Continuum, hmm The 100. I’ve been following Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek and Orphan Black myself. Yes, we watched Dark Crystal together, amazing story with puppets as actors. And oh, Once Upon A time. Wait, can you call that sci-fi? Maybe a bit more toward the genres of fantasy, even though it has a bit of time travelling. Actually, let me think…Outlander does better by blending time travel, mythology and history.” Ginger got more excited as she rolled out the list, “but," she stopped for a moment and hesitated, "I had the most frightful post-apocalyptic visions in my dream, would you guys like to...hear it?”
"Sushi Grass in Paradise" is an on-going story. To read the full length version with previous chapters, please visit- https://oceanpounds.com/blogs/sushi-grass-in-paradise
Issue 0131-2020
A Holly Lee and Lee Ka-sing online magazine. Published on Fridays.
Published by Ocean and Pounds and archived at oceanpounds.com
All rights Reserved.
Selective items in this publication are available at the OCEAN POUNDS online shop. For items featured in CURRENT WORK, VINTAGE, ARTIFACT, PUBLICATION, OBJECT, BOOKSCAPE and COLLECTION, please send a request to: mail@oceanpounds.com.
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leekasing.com is a portal website for current and earlier works. Apart from exhibitions, Holly and Ka-sing use extensively web platforms to display photography and writing projects. Contact us for a detail list of links.
Holly and Ka-sing currently live in Toronto with their daughter Iris, and their cat Sukimoto.