Time Machine

Time Machine
Photographs by Lee Ka-sing, haiku by Gary Michael Dault
published by OCEAN POUNDS. November 2021
8x10 in, 20×25 cm, 180 pages

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About this book
From 2015 to 2019, Lee Ka-sing worked extensively on the Time Machine series - an accumulated body of work consisting hundreds of black and white photographs, mostly of a single object or a scene. At one point during this project Lee Ka-sing approached Gary Michael Dault, a Canadian writer and artist, to write haiku on the Time Machine photographs and the two artists interacted admirably. The book Time Machine is the first publication which highlighted and focused on the collaboration.

Exquisitely designed and produced, Time Machine displays eighty black and white photographs; each adorned with a ruminative haiku at the opposite page. Together, image and poem resonate at different frequencies with each other, provoking an electrifying layer of reading experience. The stunning photographs in the Time Machine, paring with perspicacious words by Gary Michael Dault is a wonderful creation, a one-of-a-kind publication; a rare gem to behold and add to one's library.


Time Machine
also available as Paperback edition (print-on-demand)
published by OCEAN POUNDS
First edition, November 2021
8x10 in, 20×25 cm, 180 pages
softcover, perfect binding
CAD $75.00 (plus tax, shipping)

Purchase this book direct from BLURB

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