The Fence, the Garden, the Connoisseur
DOUBLE DOUBLE, May edition 2022
180 pages
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About the book
Away from the cold of April into the warmth of May, we're gearing up this issue with Anna Torma’s opulent, highly imaginative embroidery art. Masterfully executed, with themes intermingling daily life with magical realism, Anna’s work is visually astounding, received numerous awards and has been widely collected. April proved to be a difficult month for the whole world. With the unjust war in Ukraine and the never-ending waves of Covid still in view, Holly’s essay and poem reflected her feeling of helplessness, fear and frustration. Brightening up the mood, Ka-sing photographed objects he’s kept over the years, reminiscing over these small objects and the many little stories that make up parts of his and Holly's life.
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Paperback edition (print-on-demand) direct from BLURB
180 pages, 8x10 inches, perfect binding
CAD $75.00 (plus tax, shipping)
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US$5.00 (plus tax)
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